Manual of the St. Paul Police Department, 1923 — 2
P. 1. Executive Head of Bureau.—The Chief of Police shall be the executive head of the Bureau under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; provided, that the Chief shall have executive control of the assignments and transfer of all patrolmen and other officers in the Bureau under such general rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Commissioner of Public Safety.
P. 2. Power to Issue Orders.—He shall have power to give such orders not inconsistent with the laws, regulations and orders of the Commissioner of Public Safety, to the captains, lieutenants, and subordinates of the force as he may deem proper, and it shall be their duty to render to him and his orders implicit obedience.
P. 3. He shall have direct control and cognizance of the administration and discipline of the Bureau of Police, and shall report to the Commissioner of Public Safety any violations of the Rules and Regulations of the Bureau of Police by members of the force.
P. 4. Confidential Staff Officer to the Chief of Police.—The status of the Secretary to the Chief is that of a confidential staff officer. He reports directly to the Chief himself and takes instructions from him only. He is authorized to transact such business with the public as may be desirable, the object being to bring to the attention of the Chief only such matters of importance as require the Chief's personal attention.
P. 5. Orders to Be Obeyed.—Any memorandum or order stating that the directions therein contained are by the order of the Chief, and signed by the Secretary to the Chief, shall be obeyed as an order from the Chief. Any official of the bureau or member of the force who receives such an order, and doubts its propriety or legality, will first obey the order and then bring the matter to the personal attention of the Chief at the earliest opportunity.
P. 6. Records to Be Kept.—The Secretary to the Chief of Police shall issue and keep a record of all requisitions for supplies purchased for the Department and will also check up and O.K. all bills pertaining to the Department.
P. 7. He will keep a complete record of the personnel of the Department, including appointments, removals, suspensions, addresses, etc.
P. 8. He will make a monthly and annual statement of all fines collected and another, showing, sex, age, offense charged, disposition, etc., of all arrests made by the Department.
P. 9. He will have charge and keep a record of all money paid from the Chief's contingent fund. He, when necessary, will take depositions and statement made by prisoners, and will have charge and keep record of all money and articles taken from prisoners pertaining to evidence as turned over to his office by ranking officers.
P. 10. The Court Officer is the personal representative of the Chief of Police in Municipal Court. He, at the direction of the Chief, will make recommendation for the disposition of cases. He will keep a complete record of all cases sent to Municipal Court, which will include sentences imposed and dates of continuance. He will notify the proper officers to be in Court at a specified time for continued cases. At the end of each month and year he will compile a monthly or yearly report of all cases handled in Municipal Court which shall include classification of offenses, age, nativity, and occupation of prisoners, together with disposition of cases.
P. 11. He shall be responsible for the conduct of all members of the department when attending Municipal Court.